Help us to reach families in Gaza

Our mission is to support the families by directing our funding to those with the greatest needs. With your help, we have successfully carried out projects in Gaza, the UK, Africa, India, Nepal, and Morocco, focusing on those most in need. These initiatives include sponsoring orphans for their education and welfare, distributing food, implementing Water Aid projects, conducting Qurbani, and assisting COVID-19 patients, among others.

Collaborating with partners based around the globe, Wellbeing Care Foundation runs a variety of projects that cover sustainable welfare, education, food, water, and emergency relief.

Our most urgent appeals

Working with partners, based across the entire globe, Wellbeing Care Foundation runs many projects that cover; sustainable welfare, education, food, water and emergency relief.


Qurbani at WBF 2024

EID UL-ADHA SACRIFICE WITH WBF (2024)​ It is important for Muslims to adhere to the Prophet Ibrahim’s sunnah of sacrifice we commonly call Qurbani.

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Zakat Appeal Zakat is the third pillar of Islam. It is an obligatory act of charity amounting to 2.5% of a Muslim’s annual savings.

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Clean Water Appeal

Clean Water Appeal Give in the name of the Prophet’s (PBUH) family this Ramadan and help combat thirst around the world. More than ever

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Orphan Care

Sponsor an Orphan For £35 you can transform a child’s future through orphan sponsorship. Honour beloved Prophet’s (PBUH) legacy of mercy to children, and

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Food Appeal

Feed the Poor 99% of the world’s malnourished people currently live in developing countries. Shortage of food,  unsure where their next meal will come

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Eye Operations

Eye Operations £20 or more will enable us to conduct a vital operation to help a blind person see again.£120.00 of your donation could

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Hifz Sponsorship

Hifz Sponsorship Education in Islam is the shield of a believer and can provide a sense of belonging, tolerance, and harmony to an otherwise

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Hidayat Welfare Nepal

Hidayat Educational & Welfare Trust Nepal Hidayat Educational & Welfare Trust Nepal runs Darul Uloom Hidatul Islam (for Boys) and Jamia Hafsa (for Girls).

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Donate for MuftiSays

MuftiSays The Holy Quran urges the mankind to think, ponder, reflect and acquire knowledge that would bring them closer to God and his creation. The prophet

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